KDDI Introduces 'LISMO Video', Allows Viewing Full Movies on au Handsets

KDDI Corporation
Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company

June 3, 2008

KDDI and Okinawa Cellular are pleased to introduce 'LISMO Video', a new service with new means to enjoy video content. With the service, customers can view full movies and TV series with high quality video and sound on either their handset or PC anywhere and at anytime. The new 'LISMO Video' service will start on June.

'LISMO Video' allows users to purchase and download video content through their personal computer from the LISMO Video Store, a newly established video content distribution site, making use of the integrated 'LISMO Port' PC software. The video can then be viewed as is on the computer and can also be forwarded for viewing on a handset. Within the allowed playback period, customers can view the purchased video anywhere and anytime without having to select a specific location. With the service, KDDI is introducing a new viewing method, where the purchased video is viewed as streaming video (VOD distribution) on the PC, and then the video is forwarded to an au handset and can be viewed away from home.

With the full backing of five major Hollywood studios, there are over 2,000 available titles, including movies, overseas TV series, and anime. The service can be used with peace of mind since the first installment of a series such as dramas and anime (excluding some) can be view for free.

With the introduction of 'LISMO Video', the LISMO music distribution service will also be expanded. In addition to being able to forward video clips downloaded with compatible models and 'LISMO Port' to WALKMAN devices, it is possible to purchase 'Chaku-Uta Full®' and Video Clips using 'LISMO Port'.

  • * WALKMAN and the WALKMAN logo are registered trademarks of Sony.
  • * Chaku-Uta Full® is a registered trademark of Sony Music Entertainment.
  • * The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication.
    Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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