KDDI Announces "au My Page" Users Pass 1 Million

KDDI Corporation
Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company

KDDI Corporation and Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company are pleased to announce that "au My Page", the fully fledged personal portal service welcomed more than 1 million users as of January 20th.
"au My Page" started on October 24th, 2006 as a personal portal site allowing users to retrieve free information, thereby enhancing accessibility to the world of EZweb and making it easier than ever to use an array of EZweb services and contents.
With high 100 Mbyte capacity, users can build up stores of important personal items such as e-mails and photographs as they use their mobile phone, and enjoy creating their own personal history as well as customizing their portal screen freely according to their usage pattern. Data or portal sites saved from a PC can also be used.
Available functions are well received by a wide spectrum of users. In particular, "My Address Book" and "My Mail", 2 services with depository functions, and "My Blog", a function which allow users to check comments to their blog and new information easily, are especially popular.

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