KDDI Announces Results of Survey on Pay Multi-channels Broadasting Market for Mobile Phones <Material>

Results of Survey on the Marketability of Pay Multi-channel Broadcasting for Mobile Phones

 | 1. Overview of Survey |
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1.Survey Method |
Internet Survey |
CLT (Face-to-face interview) |
2.Target |
All segments based on the demographic ratio of the Japanese population |
High ARPU segment in Tokyo and surrounding areas |
3.Explanation of services |
Presentation of about 4 minutes of video clips and explanation of features of services |
The explanation on the left and actual demonstrations of services. |
4.Period |
1st - 3rd October 2006 |
30th Sep - 3rd Oct 2006 |
5.Effective Responses |
3000 samples |
227 samples |
6.Profile of Respondents |
Gender: |
Males 50.5%, Females 49.5% |
Age: |
19 and below 8.8%, 20-35 34.4%,
36-59 53.2%, 60 and above 3.6%
Gender: |
Males 44.1%, Females 55.9% |
Age: |
19 and below 2.2%, 20-35 49.3%,
36-59 45.8%, 60 and above 2.6%
7.Conducted by |
MediaFLO Japan Planning Company, KDDI Inc., QUALCOMM Japan
(Survey Company: Accenture) |

 | 2. Premise of Survey |
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Service images of the following services were provided as examples in the surveys.

1.Video streams |
2.Audio Streams |
Viewing of TV programs on real time. A variety of programs, such as news, sports, movies, etc can also be enjoyed.
Contents Example: News flashes, live sports coverage, entertainment channels, healing channels, variety programs, education programs, English conversation programs for business people, etc.
High quality music and music programs on real time.
Contents Example: English conversation programs, music programs, sports broadcasts, novels recitations, etc.
3.Clipcast media with memory management |
4.IP data-casting |
Pre-selected programs (videos, audios, music) are automatically downloaded onto the mobile phones, allowing users to watch the program anytime anywhere.
Each channel is refreshed 4 - 5 times per day, and latest information and programs accumulated (same genre) are automatically sent to the mobile phones. Time for each program differs from program to program.
(Accumulated time for multi-channels is a few hundred minutes/day)
Contents Example: News (5 min), Sports Digest (15 min), Drama series (30 min), movies (2 hours), etc
Latest information on pre-selected contents are automatically received. Necessary information can also be reflected on the waiting screens of mobile phones. IP data can be renewed a few times per day or continuously, depending on the programs.
Contents Example: Sports results, weather, emergency news, traffic updates, stocks, etc.

 | 3. Survey Data |
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Intention to Use
Q-1: Do you want to use MediaFLO services?
Overall intention to use (Internet Survey)

Intend to use |
8% |
May intend to use |
33% |
Can't say |
40% |
Will not intend to use |
19% |
Total |
100% |


Intention to use after trying the services (CLT)

* |
A high 81% replied in the affirmative after trying out the services at a demonstration

Intend to use |
43% |
May intend to use |
40% |
Can't say |
14% |
Will not intend to use |
3% |
Total |
100% |


Comparison between trials and non-trial cases (Internet survey with same segment as CLT)

* |
52% replied yes for the same segment with the CLT in the internet survey. This shows users are more likely to use the services after them.

Intend to use |
13% |
May intend to use |
39% |
Can't say |
37% |
Will not intend to use |
10% |
Total |
100% |


Usage Needs
Q-2: Where do you intend to use MediaFLO? (Internet Survey)

* |
40% responded "when traveling to work or to school" .

When traveling to work or to school |
40% |
While waiting |
11% |
Rest or waiting time in office or school |
16% |
At home |
13% |
Travelling other than to work or school |
11% |
Others |
9% |
Total |
100% |


Contents Genre Needs
Q-3: Which of the following types of content genres are you most interested in?

* |
News and movies, dramas and animations were rated the highest.

News |
41% |
Movies, dramas and animations |
21% |
Information Programs |
7% |
Sports |
12% |
Music broadcasts |
10% |
Variety, entertainment |
6% |
Education, learning |
3% |
Total |
100% |


Broadcasting styles
Q-4 [1] If the following four types of broadcasting styles can be used to broadcast channels, which do you want to use?

[1] |
Refer to [Annex] MediaFLO's broadcasting styles

* |
All broadcasting styles were in demand.

Video Streaming |
35% |
Audio Streaming |
21% |
Clip Cast |
25% |
IP Data |
18% |
Total |
100% |


Graphic Quality/Usability
Q-5: How do you feel about the quality of the graphics? (CLT Survey)

* |
92% responded positively.

Very good |
43% |
Good |
49% |
Bad |
7% |
Very bad |
0% |
Total |
100% |


Q-6: How do you feel about the style of choosing programs from the electronic program schedule? (CLT Survey)

* |
87% responded positively.

Very good |
21% |
Good |
66% |
Bad |
12% |
Very bad |
1% |
Total |
100% |


Q-7: How do you feel about the time required to change channels? (CLT Survey)

* |
78% responded positively.

Very good |
22% |
Good |
56% |
Bad |
21% |
Very bad |
1% |
Total |
100% |


Number of channels
Q-8: What is the minimum number of channels required as channel line-up? (CLT Survey)

* |
Minimum number of channels 20 and less: 23%, minimum 30: 45%.

5 channels and below |
4% |
6 - 10 channels |
12% |
11 - 20 channels |
17% |
21 - 30 channels |
22% |
31 channels and above |
45% |
Total |
100% |


Potential Market Size
If services are provided at 900 yen, 5 years from the introduction of the services, 40 million users are expected to use the services, giving a direct market size of approximately 4.5 billion yen. The market is expected to expand to 19 billion yen after taking into consideration the first and second waves of implementation. Ultimately, we can expect to see an estimated 45 ? 50 million users and approximately 20 billion yen (estimations by Accenture).

Potential Market Size (Number of Users, Direct/First/Second waves of implementation)

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