KDDI Announces Start of GLOBAL PASSPORT International Data Roaming Services in Canada

KDDI Corporation
Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company

KDDI and Okinawa Cellular are pleased to announce the May 22 addition of international data roaming services to voice roaming services in Canada for users of GLOBAL PASSPORT, the international roaming service offered by KDDI that enables au mobile handsets used in Japan to be used without modification overseas.
This new service is made possible through KDDI's partnership in Canada with TELUS Communications, and will be available in areas and regions covered by TELUS Communications.
With addition of Canada, GLOBAL PASSPORT data roaming services will now be available in 9 countries and territories overall, including the United States, Hawaii, China, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Guam, and Saipan.
Customers using handsets enabled for data roaming services, will now be able to exchange e-mail and access the Web, in addition to voice-call services currently offered in Canada, simply by updating to the latest PRL (Preferred Roaming List) before traveling. This does not require any prior application.
In addition to the nine territories now covered by the data roaming service, KDDI plans to expand data roaming availability to other countries where voice roaming is already provided. KDDI continues to work to bring more convenience to users of au mobile phones when they travel overseas.

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