KDDI Announces Subscriptions for Digital Radio Handsets Exceed One Million

KDDI Corporation
Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company

KDDI is pleased to announce that subscriptions for au handsets supporting Digital Radio have now exceeded one million. The milestone was recorded on June 17.
au handsets presently supporting Digital Radio include the W44S, W51T, W52T, AQUOS Keitai W51SH, W52H models.
The au Digital Radio service offers music programs with audio quality on a par with CD, and enables OA track information and artists' names to be checked via data broadcasting. In addition, programs with video offer the latest music videos and VJs' "talking heads." Digital Radio service is free of charge.
Digital Radio trial broadcasting started in Tokyo and Osaka in October 2003, with a view to commercial service. Several channels were provided, primarily by the Digital Radio Promotion Association (DRP).
In April 2007, the number of channels increased, broadcasting times were extended, and full trial service started. Numerous high-quality programs are now available on channels offering video content such as music videos, news and weather to be checked through data broadcasting, and jazz, classical, and romantic music.

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