KDDI Announces EZ GREE Subscribers Exceed One Million

KDDI Corporation

KDDI is pleased to announce that subscribers to "EZ GREE", an SNS (Social Networking Service) provided by KDDI Corporation and GREE, Inc. for au mobile phones, exceeded one million on July 28.
"EZ GREE", which started on November 16, 2006, is a communication service with features unique to the mobile Internet. It provides the ability to customize blogs, communities, and profiles, as well as decoration mail and mobile Flash games. Since the service started, it has gained the support of many customers.
KDDI and GREE will continue developing new services with their respective know-how. By reinforcing services that integrate the various capabilities of GPS and au with SNS as a platform, the two companies will contribute to mobile lifestyles in which customers themselves play an active role in disseminating information.

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