KDDI Announces Start of "au Purchase Program"
—Enabling users to choose how they buy a handset in line with their various needs—

KDDI Corporation
Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company

From November 12, KDDI and Okinawa Cellular will introduce au Purchase Program, which enables customers to choose their method of purchasing an au handset, whether for the first time or when upgrading models for au mobile services (except prepaid service). Customers purchasing an au handset after the start of au Purchase Program will be able to choose the Full Support Course or Simple Course.
The Full Support Course option is for customers who wish to keep the initial cost of their handset purchase low, while using a full range of support services. If customers pledge to subscribe for two years when purchasing an au handset, KDDI and Okinawa Cellular will provide Purchase Support, which subsidizes part of the purchase price. Also, as well as making services easier to use by waiving the cancellation fee for fixed-term discount services such as Everybody Discount, KDDI and Okinawa Cellular will support replacement purchases of au handsets using discount incentives, by substantially increasing the point rates in the au Point Program.
The Simple Course option is for customers who wish to keep monthly usage fees low and do not replace their handset often. Although such customers will not receive Purchase Support when they buy an au handset, they will be eligible for low basic rates and call rates even without using discount services. Customers can choose between two rate options, Simple Plan L and Simple Plan S.
In conjunction with the introduction of au Purchase Program, KDDI and Okinawa Cellular will start Anshin Keitai Support, a full range of support services for customers who wish to use their au handset for a long time with peace of mind.

 | 1. Outline of Full Support Course |
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For customers who pledge to use their au handset for two years when they purchase it, KDDI and Okinawa Cellular will subsidize 21,000 yen out of the retail price as Purchase Support, enabling customers to buy a handset at an economical price.
A Full Support Cancellation Fee will be required if such customers cancel or suspend their subscription or change models midway through their subscription. The longer customers use their handset, the lower the Full Support Cancellation Fee will be.

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Rate options
The rate options are the same as the current ones (Plan LL, Plan L, Plan M, Plan S, Plan SS, Daytime L, Daytime S, and Support Plan). If customers subscribe to a fixed-term discount service, the cancellation fee for that service will be waived.
After the two-year usage agreement has expired, or if a Full Support Cancellation Fee is paid midway through the two years, users can change to Simple Plan L or Simple Plan S.

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Revision of au Point Program
The rate at which Monthly Points are awarded will be increased, from the current uniform rate of 2 points per 100 yen (excluding tax) of usage to 4-7 points per 100 yen, depending on the amount of usage.
Accumulated au points can be exchanged for discounts when changing handset models, optional goods, or discounts on repair bills. Now, in addition, points can be used to pay a Full Support Cancellation Fee. This reduces the burden on customers who change models before the usage agreement expires, enabling customers who use au services a lot each month to change models quickly.

 | 2. Outline of Simple Course |
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With this option, customers do not receive Purchase Support, but can choose simple and low rate options.

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Rate options
This menu introduces Simple Plan L and Simple Plan S as rate options for the Simple Course. Simple Plan L/S offers low basic rates and call rates even without sign-up for discounts such as Everybody Discount. Because this enables a wide range of needs to be met through a single rate menu, two simple options have been achieved.
Rate option; Basic rate/month; Call rate
Simple Plan L; 2,625 yen/month; 10.5 yen/minute
Simple Plan S; 1,050 yen/month; 15.75 yen/30 seconds
With the Simple Course, customers can choose current rate options and their associated discounts when buying an au handset. In that case, they will receive au Points equivalent to the Full Support Course.

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About the au Point Program
With Simple Plan L/S, there will be no awarding of Monthly Points in line with au usage, Anniversary Points after one year of usage, or Premier Points each time a certain amount of au usage is exceeded.

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