KDDI Introduces 'au one Gadget', Delivering Information to Standby Screens

KDDI Corporation
Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company

KDDI and Okinawa Cellular are pleased to announce the launch of 'au one Gadget,' a service that delivers information to au handset standby screens, providing the latest news from users' favorite sites, tools such as a calculator and clock, and games. The service will begin from on and after December.
This service gives users quick access, using just a few keystrokes, to their favorite information and features by setting 'au one Gadget' content in advance. It is also possible to automatically obtain Internet content at regular intervals, ensuring that the latest news is always shown on the screen.
Models that support 'au one Gadget' will also have a Google search window on the standby screen. This enables users to search for the information they need directly from the standby screen.

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A Gadget is an application that has a single function and runs on the PC desktop. A Gadget is also called a Widget.

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