KDDI Announces Introduction of Immediate Notification of Earthquake Emergency Alerts

KDDI Corporation
Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company

March 24, 2008

KDDI and Okinawa Cellular are pleased to announce the provision of emergency earthquake alerts from the Meteorological Agency to au mobile phones. The service begins March 25.

This service is able to transmit the emergency earthquake warnings to au mobile phones in a specific area simultaneously and is not affected by phone-traffic congestion.

This service is free-of-charge, and no application is necessary. Users need simply change the setting of the feature on supporting devices to ON, (the initial setting is OFF; not to receive the alerts).

Supporting devices presently include the W61SA, W61CA, W62SA, W61H, W61K and W61SH
The range of supporting handsets will continue to be expanded in the future.

  • * The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication.
    Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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