KDDI to Establish Local Subsidiary in Shanghai

KDDI Corporation

September 14, 2009

KDDI will establish a local subsidiary in Shanghai. KDDI Shanghai will begin operations on October 15, 2009.

The Chinese market is transforming from a low-cost manufacturing base for Japanese companies to a market that promises high growth. Japanese companies targeting the ever expanding Chinese market are broadening and raising the level of their business there.

KDDI has already established 14 offices in 11 cities, providing rapid, detailed, and on-site support to Japanese companies developing business in China for the ICT environments. These include Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tianjin, Dalian, Binhai, Qingdao, Wuxi, Guangzhou, Nansha, and Shenzhen. In Shanghai, which hosts many Japanese businesses, the need to support these businesses by building optimized ICT environments is increasing rapidly.

To help these companies build optimum ICT environments to support broad expansion of their business in China, KDDI Shanghai will expand its role as a one-stop, comprehensive access point for a wide range of ICT solutions and services, including domestic network and data center services provided by local businesses, operations and maintenance support, and security.

This new office brings KDDI's overseas presence to 63 offices in 49 cities and 23 regions around the world. KDDI will continue to expand its presence globally, enriching its services, and making support for its Japanese corporate customers and meeting their needs of in the field of ICT its highest priority.

1. Company name


2. Location

Municipality of Shanghai, People's Republic of China

3. Business start date

Thursday, October 15, 2009

4. Administration

Tetsuo Ogawa

5. Main areas of activity

System integration, ICT infrastructure consulting, construction, operations and maintenance, support for procurement of local communications services, provision of various communications devices, etc.

  • * The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication.
    Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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