KDDI and Retailigence Announce Business Collaboration Related to Establishment of Online to Offline (O2O) Platform <Attachment>

1. Details about the O2O Platform

(1) Outline

The O2O Platform consolidates information about products, prices, outlets, inventory, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "product information") provided by brick-and-mortar stores. Application developers access the product information free of charge and use it to create new services that incorporate social networking services and more, with the aim of supporting new purchasing behaviors that utilize the online activity of customers.

(2) Advantages

(Brick-and-mortar stores)

  • Using new services from application developers, businesses can tap into a wide user base.
  • Businesses have the potential to attract new customers through activities such as creating promotional campaigns based on application user trends drawn from the O2O Platform.

(Application developers)

  • By obtaining product information through the O2O Platform, developers can add value to applications and expand their user base.


  • By using social networking services, etc, users can access product information in an enjoyable way and share it with other users.
  • Through the cooperation between brick-and-mortar stores and application developers, users can receive benefits such as purchasing points or discounts at shops.

(3) Diagram of O2O Platform system

Picture: Diagram of O2O Platform system

2. Details about the demonstration experiments

(1) Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd.

i. Details of experiment
Customers visit a smartphone-accessible website developed by mediba Inc. for the campaign. A coupon ID is displayed when the customer searches for the nearest FamilyMart outlet, and when the coupon ID is entered into the FamiPort multimedia terminal located at the FamilyMart, a coupon ticket is issued which can be exchanged for a 10% discount on the target Muji products.

ii. Target devices
Smartphones (every OS supported)

iii. Location of experiment
All FamilyMart outlets in Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Yamanashi, and Nagano

iv. Time period of experiment
October 18 to October 24, 2011 (coupons are valid until October 25)

v. Target products
7 types of Muji products, including products sold only at FamilyMart

(Diagram of demonstration experiment)

Picture: Diagram of demonstration experiment

(2) LivingStyle, Inc.

i. Details of experiment
Using a special application that incorporates a furniture product catalog and AR simulator functions, customers earn purchase points and receive discounts when they make purchases at the target furniture outlets. In addition, during the fiscal year, users will be able to search for target products using Shopping+, a shopping-oriented social networking service application provided by Insight Plus, Inc.

ii. Target devices
Android smartphones running Android 1.6 or later

iii. Location of experiment
All retail outlets of target brands

iv. Time period of experiment
October 31, 2011 to May 31, 2012

v. Target brands

  • * More brands to be added during the demonstration experiment time period.

(Diagram of demonstration experiment)

Picture: Diagram of demonstration experiment

(3) List of participating companies (as of October 2011)

Brands/retailers Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd.
FamilyMart Co., Ltd
Insight Plus, Inc.
Applications LivingStyle, Inc.
mediba Inc.
  • * The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication.
    Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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