KDDI and TeraRecon launch Japan's first cloud-based, medical real-time 3D imaging solutions

KDDI Corporation
TeraRecon, Inc.

August 2, 2012

KDDI Corporation and TeraRecon, Inc. (Head office: California, USA; President and CEO: Robert Taylor) announced the launch of a cloud-based, real-time 3D imaging solution for medical institutions on August 3, 2012. The cloud-based service is the first in Japan to offer real-time 3D medical image processing and viewing capabilities to the medical industry.

By combining TeraRecon's large-scale 3D medical imaging delivery solution with the KDDI Cloud Platform Service, and by connecting servers over a fast and secure network, the solution is able to provide real-time processing equivalent to that of an on-site server.
As customers, medical institutions can introduce the system with minimal initial investment. In addition, the secure, high-quality network enables 3D medical images to be viewed and processed on a variety of devices, including personal computers, tablets, and smartphones. The use of a cloud platform significantly reduces the workload that medical institutions need to undertake for system operation and maintenance.

Prior to launching the solution, a demonstration trial to assess practical use was conducted in cooperation with Saiseikai Kawaguchi General Hospital in Saitama prefecture, from December 2011 to March 2012. Data for approximately 2,000 3D medical images was sent to the cloud for analysis and processing, and the results were provided with a processing speed and operability equivalent to that of an on-site server system. In addition, the ability to remotely view images using KDDI's Closed Remote Gateway, a WiMAX-based closed-area remote access service that provides a secure remote access environment without connecting to the Internet, was highly evaluated for its usefulness in situations such as emergencies.

Refer to the Attachment for further details.

  • *3D medical images are three-dimensional visualizations constructed from two-dimensional images taken with X-ray CT (computer tomography) or MRI equipment, which provide detailed cross-sectional views of the patient's anatomy.
  • * The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication.
    Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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