KDDI to launch au Smart Support, providing comprehensive support to au smartphone users <Attachment>

1. Overview

1) Telephone support via the au Smart Support Center

  • A full-time team of knowledgeable specialist advisors provides 24-hour support in response to a variety of customer inquiries and requests. [1]
  • At the customer's request, advisors remotely operate the customer's au smartphone to provide support in configuring the settings. [2]
  • When a smartphone is reported lost or stolen, remote lock and device location search are performed. [2]

2) On-site Smartphone Support

  • A representative travels to the customer's location to provide face-to-face assistance with au smartphone operations, including how to configure initial settings or how to use their smartphone. [3]

3) Membership privileges

  • A 15-day Smartphone Trial Rental service is available. [4]
  • "Smart Guide", an easy-to-understand beginner's guide to smartphones, published by Gijutsu-Hyoron Co., Ltd., is offered as a present. [5]
  • Data recovery services provided by AOS Legal Technologies, Inc. are available at a special price (20% discount). [6]
  • [1] Advance reservation is required for use of this service between 11:00 PM and 9:00 AM.
  • [2] Only available for Android smartphones.
  • [3] A charge of \8,925 (tax included) is incurred each time the service is used. An additional transportation charge applies for customers residing on remote islands, and the service is only available when public transportation service to the remote island is available. Dispatch hours are from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
  • [4] Available in Japan only. (Voice calls on the rental device are available to domestic numbers in Japan only.) In addition, the rental period is 15 days from shipment to return.
  • [5] Delivered one time only after subscribing to the au Smart Support service.
  • [6] Available for Android smartphones and au mobile phones.

2. Target customers

Customers with service contracts for au smartphones and au mobile phones. [7]

  • [7] Excluding PHOTO-U, PHOTO-U2, biblio Leaf, and prepaid phones. In addition, customers using au mobile phones are only able to use the au Smart Support Center, Smartphone Trial Rental, and Discount Data Recovery Support services.

3. Usage charges

First 3 months including month of subscription: \3,150 (tax included) [8]
From fourth month: \399 per month (tax included)

  • [8] This one-time charge is billed to the month following subscription. If you cancel the service within the first 3 months, the \3,150 (tax included) will not be refunded.

4. How to apply

Applications are accepted through the au Customer Center, au shops, and stores carrying au products.

5. Launch date

June 6, 2013

  • * Applications will begin to be accepted on this date.
  • * Android is a trademark or registered trademark of Google Inc.
  • * Company names, product names, and service names are the registered trademark or trademark of their respective companies.
  • * The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication.
    Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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