au Smart Pass with over 6 Million Members is Further Advanced by Implementing Timeline UI <Attachment>

<Conceptual Diagram>

Image: Conceptual Diagram

1. Expanding Content

As well as expanding applications and WEB content, different useful information provided via partnerships with many companies is added. Coupons and au Cloud are also expanded.

(1) Exclusive membership privileges provided via partnership with PIA CORPORATION
Invitations to au Smart Pass member-exclusive events and the advance ticket reservation service are provided via a partnership with PIA CORPORATION.

(2) Various useful information
Information provided from various companies is delivered in the timeline.

<Example of Companies Providing Information (Names in order of Japanese alphabet)>

Media Name Company Name Information Category
Staff Snap Apparel-Web Inc., Information related to snapshots and fashion
Apparel-Web Apparel-Web Inc., Information related to fashion
Weathernews WEATHERNEWS INC. Information related to weather
BARKS GLOBAL PLUS,INC. Latest music & artists information for Japanese/foreign music
Shu-pure News SHUEISHA Inc. Various news information
webSportiva SHUEISHA Inc. Information related to sports
Sugoren Sugoren inc. Information related to love
Diamond Online DIAMOND,Inc. Information related to the economy and business
nanapi nanapi Inc. Various how-to information related to everyday living
PIA Movie Life PIA CORPORATION Information related to movies
Ure-PIA Soken PIA CORPORATION Information related to various life styles, jobs, love
Da Vinci Electronic Navigation MEDIA FACTORY,INC. Information related to books

(3) Coupon
In addition to popular au Smart Pass member-exclusive coupons for convenience stores and fast food, information and coupons for many restaurants across the country are provided and reservations for each store can be made via the Internet through a partnership with the gourmet/coupon information site, Hot Pepper Gourmet, run by RECRUIT LIFESTYLE CO., LTD. Furthermore, the site will become an easy-to-use, valuable coupon page by adding new functions such as a search function.

<New/Added Functions>

Adding search methods
  • Based on current location information, a list of coupons that can be used in that area is displayed.
  • Free word search (category/area can be specified)
"My Coupon" function By registering favorite coupons to My Coupon, they can be displayed easily from the next time onwards.
"Check In" function By sending current location information in the neighborhood of stores providing coupons, stamps that can be exchanged for au points are provided after the location is confirmed.

(4) EC service privileges
Exclusively for au Smart Pass members, Member Complimentary Sales are constantly held to provide various items such as foods, home electronics, and fashion in the au Shopping Mall and au Brand Garden at the lowest price.
To mark the anniversary of the au Smart Pass renewal, you will receive a 90% discount for popular items such as designer smartphone covers by popular fashion brands (daily special limited-time sale) and a campaign will be held (points are increased by maximum of 20%) from June 6, 2013 to June 30, 2013.

(5) au Cloud
au Cloud application functions are expanded to enable users to back up an address book[1] and e-mails[2] in addition to pictures/movies. This facilitates the data transfer when devices are changed.
Also from this summer onwards, a service will be launched to allow re-downloading of songs purchased via the music distribution store, LISMO Store, from changed smartphones for free (cloud song transition service).

  • [1] This applies to Friends Note phonebook data.
  • [2] This is not applicable to some models.

2. Timeline UI

To facilitate the use of substantially expanded au Smart Pass content, a timeline-format UI is implemented.

(1) Concept/design characteristics

  • Concepts are Personal, Friendly, and Originality. Timeline UI on which information changes as time goes by.
  • Monochrome design to emphasize the main content
  • Hand-written style design to give a more friendly impression
  • Character settings for each category

(2) Delivered information
Timeline information is updated every 5 (shortest) to 15 (longest) minutes, so new information will be found on each visit.
At the beginning of the service launch, the timeline which suits to each customer's daily rhythm is provided by organizing information based on days and times. In the future, the timeline will be advanced to provide the optimum information which is suitable for each customer's life style and stage in life, based on member information and utilization trends of various services.

<Screen Image>
Timeline Screen Image


3. au Smart Pass Assembly

au Smart Pass Assembly is newly added to make services better for the over 6 million "au Smart Pass" members. Newcomers can join the assembly easily and au Smart Pass members' dreams can be realized based on everyone's voting results.

(1) User Resolution
Policies, special topics, and privileges of services including au Smart Pass are decided by a monthly user vote. The vote is held for a certain period only and the status of the vote can be checked real time.

(2) Kikasete Page (comment page)
Improvements of services, opinions, and requests can be posted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

(3) Support status
Regarding decisions in the User Resolution and opinions posted to the Kikasete Page, the progress (support status and implementation objective) is notified in the blog so that the period before implementation can be enjoyed.

<Screen Image>


4. Launch Date

June 6, 2013

5. Charge for Service

Monthly information charges: 390 yen (tax included)
* Free for 30 days from the first registration date

6. Supported Models

au smartphones [3], au Android tablets [4]

  • [3] Excluding IS01, Windows® Phone IS12T
  • [4] Excluding SMT-i9100

7. How to Access

-Start a browser -> Enter ""
-Start a browser -> Search for "au Smart Pass" from a search site.

  • * Android is a trademark or a registered trade mark of Google Inc.
  • * Company names, product names, and service names are the registered trademark or trademark of their respective companies.
  • * The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication.
    Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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