Start of the GAKUMO Study Service for Junior High and High School Students <Attachment 1>

1. Service overview

(1) Main study content

  • Exercises in question-and-answer format with an automatic correction function that correspond to the educational curriculum of each grade
  • Short video explanations and video lessons

(2) Inquiry function [1]

  • Function that can use messages to ask questions to instructors directly when explanations are not understood

(3) Review function

  • "Conquest Box" that automatically gathers missed problems and repeats them until they can all be answered correctly.
    Setup so that the questions cannot be answered right away which encourages knowledge retention.

(4) Other

  • Game-like feel that awards coins and points for study progress so students continue while having fun. Coins and points can be traded for avatar items within GAKUMO.
  • Increased motivation via various rankings
  • Motivator functions
    Daily study support by displaying compliments for correct answer percentages and daily attempts, encouragement when difficult problems pile up, and other various messages
  • [1] Scheduled for release August 2013

2. Compatible models

au smartphones running Android 2.3.3 or higher, and iOS 5.0 or higher

3. Provided content

Study courses (material) prepared for this service are from educational institutions across Japan.
Materials and instruction methods packed with the knowhow of each company are newly created/edited in a question-and-answer format for mobile devices. Explanation and lesson videos are 3- to 5-minute short videos optimized for viewing. Curriculums are constructed in 15-minute cycles that match grade levels.

(As of July 1, 2013)

Level Subject (Course) Material provided by
(Educational institution)
High school English (Grammar)
Mathematics (Math I A, Math II B)
Japanese (Classic literature)
Science (Basic physics, Basic chemistry, Basic biology)
History (Japanese history, World history)
Benesse Corporation
Junior high school Social studies (Geography, History) DTOR.CO.,LTD
English, Mathematics TESTEA CO.
Mathematics My School Keio Shugakusha
English, Social studies (Geography, Civics)
  • * From October 2013, Japanese and Science
Priore Tutorial School

4. Usage fees

1 course plan: Monthly usage fee: ¥980 (tax included)
2 course plan: Monthly usage fee: ¥1,480 (tax included)
3 course plan: Monthly usage fee: ¥1,980 (tax included)

<Let's start GAKUMO Campaign>

From July 1, 2013 to September 30, 2013, customers who subscribe by registering for the first time can enroll in any plan for free. (Up to 3 months free)

  • * Once the free period ends, monthly fees for the enrolled course will automatically be incurred.

5. How to use

Complete membership registration from the GAKUMO service site from your smartphone.


  • Search for "GAKUMO" from the au TOP page.
  • au Portal (au Smart Pass TOP) → MENU → au Service & Support → au Service → GAKUMO

Image: PAGE Image

6. Service logo

Image: Service logo

  • * All company names, product names, and service names mentioned in this release are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
  • * The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication.
    Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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