KDDI to Open the Global Network Operations Center, Ho Chi Minh City

June 26, 2013

On July 1, 2013 KDDI will open the Global Network Operations Center, Ho Chi Minh City(hereafter "Ho Chi Minh GNOC"). It will operate as a KDDI global network operations center under KDDI's local subsidiary, KDDI Vietnam (headquarters: Hanoi)

Ho Chi Minh GNOC will have a 24/7 system to perform international communication network operation and maintenance within the Southeast Asian region. With the establishment of an operations center geographically close to neighboring Southeast Asian countries, KDDI will be able to provide higher quality global network service. This will be accomplished with increased opportunities for direct communication with each country's telecommunications carrier, for example by implementing regular meetings. Also, secure information sharing and stronger cooperation will be realized by utilizing local resources with a deep knowledge of IT and familiarity with the communication situation of the region.

Japanese corporations have been intensively advancing into Vietnam on the back of rapid economic development in recent years. And, great growth is also expected in the ICT field due to the abundance of experts in English, IT, and other proficiencies. KDDI will continue to provide high quality ICT services and contribute to the local employment by gradually expanding operations and growing the initial staff of 50. Through these practices, we will continue to contribute to the further development of Vietnam and the Southeast Asian region.

KDDI will continue to provide global ICT services that meet customers' expectations and continue striving towards improving the quality of our services.

  • * The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication.
    Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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