
KDDI's Approach (Environment)

Our attitude toward environmental conservation is defined in the KDDI Environmental Charter with the approval of the President. Here, the Manifesto (Approach to Global Environmental Problems), which is the highest-level concept, and the Policy to direct our concrete initiatives have been established.

In addition, to raise ecological awareness, we promote employee understanding of the impact of our business activities on the environment through training and other internal awareness programs, and we seek to resolve environmental issues through communication with internal and external stakeholders.
KDDI will encourage KDDI's partners and suppliers [1] to endorse and cooperate in this charter, and will also cover all of our business activities.

This Charter will encourage not only the KDDI Group[1] but also KDDI's partners and suppliers[2] to endorse and cooperate with the Charter, and will cover all of our business activities.

  1. [1]Includes distribution and logistics, subcontractors, etc.
  2. [2]Distribution and logistics, outsourcing partners, etc.

Promotion Structure

Sustainability policies (such as the Environmental Charter) and implementation are discussed and formulated by the Sustainability Committee, and depending on their importance, are also reported to and approved by the Board of Directors. Management's role is to promote business operations based on an understanding of environmental issues, risks, and opportunities.


The KDDI GREEN PLAN - A medium- and long-term environmental conservation plan


KDDI is currently promoting its environmental conservation plan, the KDDI GREEN PLAN. Positioning harmony with the environment as one of our management philosophies, we have been working on key issues, namely to bring about a decarbonized society, to form a circular economy, and to conserve biodiversity. Furthermore, to raise our corporate value in the medium and long term, we are setting new targets to mitigate and reduce risks and to create business opportunities, aiming to further improve environmental value and invigorate our activities.

This plan and targets were established with the approval of the Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President and Representative Director, and apply to the KDDI Group, suppliers, and partners.

Reducing risks Creating business opportunities
Decarbonized society
  • End of fiscal 2025

    Making the electricity used at KDDI datacenters around the world net-100% renewable energy

    • *Excluding the type where the KDDI Group borrows part of other companies' datacenters and facilities to provide services, and datacenters that are scheduled for closure
  • End of fiscal 2030

    KDDI Group achieving carbon neutrality
    scope 1+2

  • End of fiscal 2030

    Achieving 50% renewable energy with additionality (KDDI non-consolidated)

  • End of fiscal 2040

    KDDI Group achieving net zero
    scope 1+2+3

  • Helping customers achieve carbon neutrality through DX, LX etc.
  • Producing renewable energy
Circular Economy
  • Pursuing material recycling in business activities
    • -Material recycling of used mobile phones [1] maintaining a ratio of 99.8%
    • -Maintaining zero emissions of withdrawn communication facilities [2]
    1. [1]Reusing waste as raw materials by melting them etc.
    2. [2]Zero emissions are defined as the final wasted ratio of 1% or less
  • Using our communication network and renewable energy to play a part in creating a circular economy inside society at large and in individual communities
  • Achive a net positive impact on biodiversity [3]
  • Commit to no net deforestaion by FY 30 [4]
  1. [3]Conserve and restore ecosystems to outweigh the loss of biodiversity due to business activities
  2. [4]Non-deforestation due to large-scale land development or restoration of areas where deforestation has been caused or other areas of high biodiversity value
  • Supporting the visualization and recovery of biodiversity, using ICT, data etc.

See below for the details and initiatives of the targets

Obtained SBT Certification, an International Initiative for Climate Change


In February 2022, the KDDI Group obtained SBT certification under the international Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi). In addition to the CO2 emissions reduction targets set by KDDI on a non-consolidated basis (in Japan), the KDDI Group as a whole will further promote measures to address climate change by setting new targets. To reduce CO2 emissions, we will promote energy efficiency and shift to renewable energy for cell phone base stations and telecommunications equipment.

KDDI's effort to conserve environment

As the KDDI Group benefits greatly from the natural environment, we believe it is important to promote activities to address environmental issues. In order to pass on our irreplaceable earth to the next generation, KDDI Group employees are engaged in various activities to preserve the global environment in cooperation with various stakeholders, including local residents, governments, universities, NGOs and NPOs.