Corporate Information
Human Resources
Promotion of Occupational Safety and Health
Promotion of Occupational Safety and Health
In accordance with the Labor Standards Law and the Industrial Safety and Health Act, KDDI is engaged in a group-wide health and safety drive to secure the health and safety of workers (all employees, temporary staff, subcontractors, etc. involved in our business activities) in workplaces and facilitate the creation of a comfortable working environment.
We comply with the "Health and Safety Management Rules" and the "Labor Agreement," and at each office, we have established a safety and health management system, which includes general safety and health managers, safety officers, health officers, safety and health promoters, health promoters, industrial physicians, employees in charge of mental health promotion and Health and Safety Committee members. Conducted collaboratively by labor and management, the "Health and Safety Committee," held monthly at each workplace, discusses topics such as "health-focused management," "healthcare," "mental health," "workstyle reform," "overtime and excessive working hours," "fire prevention and disaster preparedness," and "road safety" to identify risks and discuss countermeasures. Furthermore, through internal audits of initiatives related to occupational safety and health, we continuously conduct workplace improvements.
KDDI, in line with the KDDI Group Mission Statement of "We value and care about the material and emotional well-being of all its employees and deliver a thrilling customer experience by always going further than expected, with the ultimate goal of achieving a truly connected society," has introduced a "KDDI Group Declaration of Health-Focused Management". To promote the well-being of employees, which is at the core of health-focused management, KDDI, KDDI Health Insurance Association, and KDDI Labor Union have joined forces to work on enhancing the physical and mental health of employees.

- To prevent excessive working hours and comply with the Article 36 Agreement, the personnel departments send email alerts to individuals, and share information about the employees who have been alerted with the heads of divisions and human resource staff. We also hold regular seminars on work schedule management and harassment to manage legal risks.
- We have the Guidelines on the Establishment of a Safety and Health Management System in order to ensure legal compliance and protect the safety and health of our employees. We also make sure that the safety and health management systems at our offices are continually improved, and that a proper safety and health management system is established when a new office is set up.
- To create a comfortable working environment, we conduct the statutory atmospheric environment measurement every two months for temperature, humidity, air current, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and floating dust, and if any deviation is detected, work with a respective facility management company to take appropriate countermeasures, such as ventilation and cleaning.
Furthermore, when industrial doctors travel around our offices once a month, they check not only sanitary conditions, but working environments that include lighting and noises, so that we make improvements as necessary.
In addition, in fiscal 2020, we removed all smoking rooms from offices to reduce the health risks of passive smoking. - During the annual National Occupational Safety Week, the Health and Safety Committee members at each office visit workplaces to check for any hazardous areas to rectify, and share example incidents at the Health and Safety Committee meeting as part of their efforts to prevent accidents.
Additionally, to ensure that employees work in good health and with vitality, we have established key indicators and are actively working on health-focused management to achieve our goals.
Safety Management during Construction of Base Stations and Operation and Maintenance of Facilities
KDDI Engineering Corporation, which does or manages construction by contract and operates and maintains facilities, provides regular training to ensure complete safety management. The on-the-job training for employees engaging in these operations in order to prevent accidental falls from heights and electric shocks, among others, includes Safety Training for Dangerous Operations and Tool Training. Regular legal training such as Health and Safety Education for Foremen is also provided.
Furthermore, KDDI holds an annual safety conference and quarterly safety meetings for partner companies involved in high-risk tasks, such as base station construction and network infrastructure work, which encompass hazardous tasks like working at high altitudes. These events are intended to share safety-related experiences and provide information to enhance safety skills.
Responses to Workplace Injuries
KDDI has established a system whereby any workplace injuries are reported via designated reporting channels, promptly investigated and actions are taken including putting measures in place to prevent recurrences.
For accidents involving falls, which are the most common cause of workplace injuries, we have prepared materials summarizing examples, contributing factors, and countermeasures. We are also promoting awareness of the accident reporting flow, encouraging employees to take precautions, and raising awareness of how to prevent accidents.
Priority Measures Relating to Occupational Health and Safety
KDDI is running a number of initiatives to drive health-focused management based on the basic principles of respect for human life, ensuring the safety and mental and physical health of employees in workplaces at all times, and maintaining a comfortable working environment.
Enhancing Employees Health
Providing Health Exams That Exceed Legal Requirements
We conduct regular health exams that are more detailed than required by law, with an examination rate of 99.9% in fiscal 2022. Following those exams, we inform all those diagnosed with observation by email. As for those who are diagnosed with severe health problems, we urge them to have an emergent consultation at a medical institution as soon as possible, and in fiscal 2022, 99.7% of employees followed the advice. (The percentage was somewhat lower than usual because of the coronavirus pandemic.) Starting from Fiscal 2020, when severe cases are identified among the employees who have been advised to receive "emergent consultation," we advise them to work on "improvement" so that they consult with an industrial doctor, with their supervisor present at the meeting, and receive our health guidance. If no improvement is shown, we consider limiting the range of their work.
In addition to the company program to assist with complete medical checkups, we have had a program in place to provide full reimbursement for breast cancer screening for female employees 35 years old or more. In addition, starting from fiscal 2023, we have introduced a full subsidy system for cervical cancer screenings for female employees aged 20 and above.
Additionally, the "Pre-Checkup Challenge" program provides guidance by a public health nurse for three months prior to the health checkup to those employees who had lifestyle-related disease-related findings in the previous year's health checkup and who wish to receive such guidance. As a result, we achieved a 29% reduction in the prevalence of findings among those who were eligible for the checkups in fiscal 2022.
Furthermore, in partnership with the KDDI Health Insurance Union, we actively promote measures to prevent diseases from becoming severe (data health planning). The completion rate for the motivational support in "specific health guidance" in fiscal 2022, which is conducted jointly with the KDDI Health Insurance Union, was 95.1%. The KDDI Health Insurance Union provides group-wide specific health guidance (active support and motivation support), and we are continuing our initiatives to increase these rates, including continuous support provided via email. To promote better health, the union also dispatches lecturers to provide health seminars at workplaces. In addition, we introduced health programs that provide free dental checkups and assistance with smoking cessation, among others.
Other Health Management Measures
Measures | Target | Content |
Healthcare room | Regular and contract employees, temporary staff | When they feel sick, they can take a short rest in this room and receive first-aid care and health counseling |
Refresh room | Regular and contract employees, temporary staff | Services such as massage and acupuncture and moxibustion are offered by nationally qualified practitioners |
Wellness benefits | Regular and contract employees |
Safety and Health Management for Employees and Their Families Transferring Overseas
We conduct various activities aimed at ensuring the health and safety of employees working outside Japan. We provide consultations with industrial doctors to employees before they transfer overseas, interviews with medical staff to all employees returning to Japan and follow-up care after the regular health exams to employees working overseas. We also began conducting stress check for employees working overseas and providing follow-ups, including health checks as required. Furthermore, we have established and implemented the Vaccination and Health Report Guidelines for International Transferees and Business Travelers from the perspective of health management and employee safety for those transferring or traveling outside Japan.
We introduced a medical return program that covers the expenses of employees or accompanying family members returning sick or injured to Japan, if an industrial doctor judges that they should receive treatment in Japan. In preparation for emergent situations, we have set up emergency evacuation services for all employees stationed or on a business trip overseas for evacuating in the event of terrorism or political instability. We also offer emergency medical transport services for the transport of severely ill or injured persons to a different country for medical treatment if necessary.
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