Corporate Information
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement: Our Approach and System
Stakeholders that influence our businesses are diverse, ranging from customers, shareholders, business partners, employees and their families to local communities, etc. We at KDDI implement various activities to offer new, satisfying experiences to all stakeholders in our business operations.
We also use the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards, SASB, IIRC, ISO 26000 and other global sustainability standards; JIS Z 26000, Environmental Reporting Guidelines, Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation and other domestic standards; and checklists that consist of questions we receive from investors. With these, we create and implement policies for assessing our current conditions and addressing management issues.
The results of engagement efforts are not only reported and shared within the company but also reported at relevant committees and management meetings and reflected in the decision-making process. KDDI values the dialogue with all our stakeholders who support us. We will continue to build up collaboration with our stakeholders and tackle societal issues to contribute to the development of a truly connected society.
Stakeholder Identification and Prioritization Process
From the perspective of achieving sustainable growth for both the company and society by enhancing social and environmental value in addition to economic value through our diverse business with telecommunications at the core, we have identified seven main stakeholders: service customers, shareholders/investors, local communities, NPO/NGO, administrative organizations/industry groups, business partners (suppliers), and employees and their families. Furthermore, in the implementation of stakeholder engagement, we assess factors such as the impact of stakeholders on the KDDI Group business activities before conducting prioritization.
Stakeholder Engagement Feedback and Risk Response
To mitigate potential risks in our engagement efforts, we employ diverse methods, such as dialogue, to ensure that divergent objectives and unrealistic expectations toward KDDI do not arise. Additionally, we are actively committed to effective engagement through regular evaluations of its effectiveness. We are making efforts to ensure stakeholder engagement is not affected by factors such as language differences and others with stakeholders from various countries by enhancing English support and information disclosure on our website. Each engagement result is, of course, reported and shared internally, and depending on its significance, it is also reported in various committees and the Corporate Management Committee and reflected in decision-making. Furthermore, when necessary, pertinent information will be shared with relevant stakeholders through our website, reports, and other channels.
Stakeholder Correlation Diagram

Stakeholder Dialogue
We conduct stakeholder dialogues led by the Executive Officer of Sustainability. Through these dialogues, we incorporate the opinions and requests of stakeholders into our corporate management to build schemes for further improvements.
In fiscal 2023, we invited external experts to discuss and share their evaluations and expectations regarding KDDI's initiatives with a focus on "environments" and "human rights." The feedback received will be used to inform our future measures.
Results of Stakeholder Engagement
Service Users
We strive for the satisfaction of our service users (customer experience) by living up to their trust and offering safe and valuable products and services.
Content of Engagement | Influence on the management and business activities |
Shareholders and Investors
We work to build a relationship of trust through honest and fair disclosure of information and active communications.
Content of Engagement | Influence on the management and business activities |
Local Communities
We collaborate and work in partnership with local communities and fulfill our duties as a corporate citizen.
Content of Engagement | Influence on the management and business activities |
We contribute to a better society through dialogue and cooperation.
Content of Engagement | Influence on the management and business activities |
Administrative Organizations/Industry Groups
We comply with the law and maintain sound relations.
Content of Engagement | Influence on the management and business activities |
Employees and Their Families
We continue to be a dynamic company that provides job satisfaction to all employees.
Content of Engagement | Influence on the management and business activities |
Business Partners (Suppliers)
We build partnerships based on mutual trust and carry out appropriate business activities with fair and open transactions.
Content of Engagement | Influence on the management and business activities |
Participation in External Initiatives
We endeavor to participate and play a leadership role in initiatives and organizations in and outside Japan to contribute to the development of a truly connected society.
Initiative | Position |
International Standardization of Telecommunications | |
ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) |
ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) |
3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) |
GSM Association (GSMA) |
IOWN Global Forum |
Building a Safe and Secure Society | |
Japan Smartphone Security Association (JSSEC) | Vice Chair/Director/Secretary |
Telecommunications Carriers Association (TCA) | Director |
The Foundation for MultiMedia Communications (FMMC) | Director |
Japan Internet Safety Promotion Association | Director |
Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion | |
NPO J-Win | Advisory Board Member |
- GSMA (Global System for Mobile Communications Association)
- GSMA is engaged in activities to promote initiatives towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the mobile-centric telecommunications industry. The Mobile Industry Impact Report published by GSMA in 2022 includes KDDI's efforts to clarify the relationship between business operations and social issues, and the dissemination of KDDI Sustainable Action both inside and outside the company. Furthermore, since declaring the industry's commitment to Net Zero by 2050 in 2019, GSMA has been engaging in activities to support and promote the reduction of GHG emissions. KDDI has consistently participated in and contributed to these activities. In June 2023, KDDI, as the sole domestic telecommunications provider, collaborated with 11 leading global operators in endorsing the initiative to increase the volume of collected used mobile devices established by GSMA.
- NotesNet zero: Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions
- Society
- Respect for Human Rights
- Supply Chain Management
- DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
- Human Resources
- Community Cooperation (in Japanese only)
- Awareness Raising and Education
- Safer and More Resilient Connected World
- Cyber Security and Privacy Protection
- Responsibility for Products and Services
- Innovation Management
- Customer Relationship Management
- Brand Management
- Initiatives outside Japan
- Stakeholder Engagement
- ESG Data (Social)
- Recommended Contents