KDDI's Power to connect

At KDDI, our mission is to connect.At KDDI, our mission is to connect.

Not just faraway places using phone and internet lines, but something much more important.

01Connecting and protecting lives

This means ensuring communications during disasters with our resilient infrastructure.
It means implementing ICT technology to reduce environmental impact, helping our precious planet.

  • Building a resilient infrastructure for communication and disaster response

    Building resilient communications infrastructure and speedily initiating disaster recovery

  • Conserving the environment

    Becoming energy-efficient and achieving zero emissions

02Connecting Day-to-day Lives

This means helping resolve issues in communities, cities, and developing nations by bringing together new technologies and partners.
It involves developing human resources today, so that we can help create better lives tomorrow.

  • Sustainable development for cities and communities

    Resolving global issues and creating people-friendly cities

  • Building the infrastructure for developing countries

    Helping improve the livelihoods of people in developing countries through economic and industrial development upgrading

  • Developing human resources for the next generation

    Improving the educational environment with ICTs and developing human resources for the next generation

03Connecting hearts and minds

This means implementing initiatives aimed at creating a digital society characterized by affluence and peace of mind. A society where diversity displaces isolation and all can enjoy healthy, fulfilling lives. In this age of living beyond 100, this is more important than ever.

  • Creating a digital society for affluence and peace of mind

    Envisioning a safe and secure society in terms of security and privacy.

  • Promotion of diversity and inclusion

    Respecting human rights, promoting diversity and inclusion in society

  • Fostering health and a purpose in life

    Supporting healthy, fulfilling lives with ICTs

Since our establishment, we at KDDI have always worked toward global sustainable development.
As the world faces countless challenges, we believe that our diverse strengths can help tackle them.
By creating a positive cycle of business growth and social contribution, we will empower society to progress in a sustainable way.

Today and always, KDDI will keep connecting people's lives, hearts, and minds.
As we also connect ideas and possibilities, we will continue working to fulfill our social responsibilities.

Our power to make connections will help create a brighter future for all.