Regarding RSS (XML) Distribution
Regarding RSS (XML) Distribution
KDDI's latest updates (topics and information) are also provided using an XML-based content distribution format (RSS).
A dedicated tool, such as RSS reader software or a browser that supports RSS, is required in order to acquire RSS. The RSS that KDDI currently provides are as follow.
KDDI Corporate Information
KDDI Corporate Information: News Release
KDDI Corporate Information: Investor Relations
What is RSS
"RSS" is a format that provides headline information (titles and summaries) described in XML. Document files and their contents described in RSS format are called "RSS feeds."
By an RSS reader (RSS aggregator), which loads RSS, or a supported browser, you can check updated information of a website without having to access the website.
- Cautions
- Questions on the use of RSS, as well as questions or inquiries regarding software such as RSS readers provided by a third party and their functions, are not accepted. Your understanding is appreciated.
- Please note that RSS distribution may be suspended under certain conditions.
- The update of RSS information does not necessarily match the time information is made public.