2. Vision & Strategies
  3. Satellite Growth Strategy

Satellite Growth Strategy

Satellite Growth Strategy

In the medium-term management strategy (FY2022 to FY2024), KDDI has defined the business strategy as the "Satellite Growth Strategy." With 5G positioned at the core, KDDI has stepped up its telecommunications business and expanded the priority areas around communications, such as in digital transformation (DX).
In May 2024, KDDI updated the strategy in response to business conditions and changes in the environment, and extended the period of the medium-term management strategy by one year.

With a focus on 5G communications, data-driven practices, and generative AI, KDDI will leverage the telecommunications infrastructure underpinning customer contact points, and accelerate business growth by providing value-added services in the growth areas of DX, finance, and energy. Life transformation (LX) encompasses five areas of future growth, which are Mobility, Sports/Entertainment, Web3/Metaverse, Healthcare, and Space. In addition to aiming for business expansion, KDDI will promote future-oriented initiatives that lead to the sustainable growth of society through business, and strive to realize KDDI VISION 2030, which is focused on "the creation of a society in which anyone can make their dreams a reality."