2. Vision & Strategies
  3. Initiatives to strengthen our management foundation

Initiatives to strengthen our management foundation

Carbon neutral

Aiming for net zero emissions by fiscal 2040

For carbon neutrality, the KDDI Group established four environmental targets[1], including the goal to achieve net zero emissions by the end of fiscal 2040, to accelerate initiatives toward a decarbonized society. These targets are revisions to the declaration announced by KDDI in April 2022.[2] The KDDI Group aims to achieve "net zero" CO2 emissions from Scope 1 and 2[3] throughout the entire Group by the end of fiscal 2030, and from the entire supply chains[5] including Scope 3[4] by the end of fiscal 2040. We will step up our efforts to achieve these net zero targets. For more information, please click here.

Environmental Targets
Energy-saving Initiatives

Human Resources First

Creating a corporate culture that fosters the employees' Career Self-Reliance and growth and incubates the co-creation of new ideas through the pursuit of efficient use of time and diverse working styles

KDDI will step up the three-in-one transformation initiatives--permeation of the new personnel system, cultivation of professionalism via the KDDI version of the job-based human resource system, and improvement of employee engagement--upon analyzing the current state of affairs. By promoting work style reform in addition to establishing systems to further support the employees' Career Self-Reliance and growth, the KDDI Group aims to generate a corporate culture throughout the whole Group that incubates co-creation among employees and with customers.

Strengthening group governance
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  • [8]
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Strengthening group governance

Strengthening risk management throughout the KDDI Group

As we welcome more group companies and diversify our businesses through the promotion of the Satellite Growth Strategy, we are also strengthening the KDDI Group's risk management and information security systems. KDDI will support business growth via synergy within the entire Group by means of expanding resource sharing through shared services, establishing a framework for cultivating and supporting CFO personnel, and putting in place a privacy governance system for data linkage between the Group companies.
The KDDI Group recognizes that any and all business activities should respect human rights, and under the KDDI Group Human Rights Policy revised in October 2022, accelerates its efforts to fulfill its responsibilities to respect human rights.

Strengthening group governance