About KDDI Business segments

From the fiscal year ending March 2020, KDDI Group has been reorganized into two segments: Personal and Business.
We are focusing on the following seven business strategies, aiming to be the company contributing to sustainable growth society and working continuous growth in business.

  1. Creating innovation toward the 5G era
  2. The integration of telecommunications and life design
  3. Further expansion of global business
  4. Utilizing big data
  5. Expanding the finance business
  6. Growth as a Group
  7. Sustainability

Business Segment

Personal Services Segment

The Personal Services segment provides services to individual customers.
In Japan, KDDI aims to provide new experience value by expanding and coordinating various life design services, including those related to commerce, finance, entertainment, and education, while focusing on conventional telecommunications services, chiefly under the "au" brand, such as those related to smartphones, cell phones FTTH, and CATV.
Overseas, we use know-how cultivated in Japan to actively engage in business with individual customers, especially those in Myanmar, Mongolia, and other Asian regions.

Business Services Segment

The Business Services segment mainly provides a wide range of corporate customers in Japan and overseas with Telehouse brand data center services and a variety of solutions encompassing network and cloud services, smartphones and other devices.
In collaboration with partner companies and using 5G, IoT, and other technology, we create new value through digital transformations with customers by providing one-stop services and solutions that help customers develop and expand their businesses on a global scale.
For small and medium-sized corporate customers in Japan, our consolidated subsidiary, the KDDI MATOMETE OFFICE GROUP, is building a regional support network offering close contact throughout Japan.

Business Segments Forecast

Personal Services

Business Services

Business Segments Result

Personal Services

Business Services

  • From FY2025.3, "Business Exploration & Development Division" (new business related) is transferred from "Other segment" to "Business Services segment". In addition, a few services in "Personal Services segment" are also tranferred to the said division.in addition to the changes, we have changed some business division segments from "Others" to "Personal Services Segment" and "Business Services Segment".In accordance with this change, stated figures for FY2024.3 retroactively reflect reclassification of segment.

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