Segments at a Glance

From the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013, KDDI has realigned its reportable segments into four business segments based on management resource allocation and financial results evaluation in accordance with management's approach.

The Personal Services segment, which provides mobile and fixed-line services for consumers, accounts for more than 70% of operating revenues and operating income.

Personal Services Segment

Provision of communications services for individuals

This segment provides mobile and fixed-line communications services to individual customers. The segment's main activities are the provision of "au" brand mobile communication services and the sale of mobile handsets. In addition, in fixed-line communications we provide "au HIKARI"-brand FTTH and CATV services.

Value Services Segment

Provision of content and settlement services for individuals

In this segment, we provide individual customers with content, settlement, and other services. We are also reinforcing our Multi-device and Multi-network initiatives, and creating environments to facilitate more convenient and comfortable use of value-added services.

Business Services Segment

Provision of communications and solution/cloud services for companies

In this segment, which targets corporate customers ranging from small and medium-sized businesses to major corporations, we propose cloud-based solutions that enable the seamless use of mobile handsets such as smartphones, tablets, and networks, as well as applications.

Global Services Segment

Provision of communications and solution/cloud services for companies and individuals overseas

Centered on our "TELEHOUSE" data centers for corporate customers, this segment provides one-stop ICT solutions. We are also making proactive forays into the Internet business inemerging markets, as well as the mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) business, focusing on immigrants in the United States, and other consumer businesses. Furthermore, we provide international voice traffic transmission services for more than 600 telecommunications providers throughout the world.


Communications facility construction as well as maintenance, call centers, R&D, etc.

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