Disclosure and IR
The company is fully committed to undertaking fair and timely disclosure in an easily understandable manner of any information that could have a material bearing on the investment decisions of investors. Such disclosure is conducted on an ongoing basis, and is focused on the requirements of shareholders and investors. The Company's policy in this regard is in line with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Securities Listing Regulations of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., governing the timely disclosure of information concerning the issuers of publicly listed securities. KDDI discloses its basic IR policy [1] on its website, explaining such matters as fundamental thinking regarding IR activities and the system for disclosing pertinent information. In particular, KDDI has set up a Disclosure Committee that concentrates on determining what information should be disclosed with the goal of improving business transparency and supplying appropriate information to the public.
KDDI takes the opinions expressed by shareholders and investors seriously, communicating them not only to management but also to employees in general. Such opinions are considered an extremely valuable reference in the formation of business and management strategies.
IR Activities in FY2014
Enhancing Communication
Earnings presentation meetings were held quarterly to allow management to directly communicate the Company's results. KDDI also held individual and small group meetings with investors from Japan and overseas, and participated in various conferences and seminars for individual investors sponsored by securities companies for better communication.
Also, timely feedback was provided to management based on opinions and requests from shareholders and investors.
As a positive evaluation of our efforts, we received the "Award from Securities Analysts for Excellence in Corporate Disclosure" for the ninth time and for the third consecutive year.
Results of IR Activities in FY2014
Individual meetings with institutional investors | 949 |
Financial results briefings | 4 |
Overseas road shows | 13 |
Seminars for individual investors | 33 |
Enhancing IR Tools
KDDI provides webcasts of its results presentations on its website, and also posts an English-language version of its results presentations. Earnings reports and other types of disclosure documents are made available through the website, with information tailored for use on multiple devices, including various Web browsers, smartphones, and tablets.
KDDI's IR activities earned strong praise during the year. We were recognized through the receipt of the "Internet IR Best Company Award in 2014," by Daiwa Investor Relations Co., Ltd. As well, we ranked third in the "Gomez IR Website Overall Ranking 2014" by Morningstar, Inc., and fourth of all listed companies in Japan for the HP Depth Ranking by Nikko Investor Relations Co., Ltd.
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