KDDI's Status
Leveraging the KDDI Group's Comprehensive Mobile and Fixed-Line Capabilities
The KDDI CORPORATION was established in October 2000 through the merger of DDI CORPORATION, a long-distance communications company; KDD Corporation, an international communications company; and IDO CORPORATION, which provided mobile communications. Thereafter, we expanded our business through mergers in both the mobile and fixed-line businesses.
As a result, KDDI has amassed a host of access lines. In the mobile category, these include 3G/LTE and WiMAX networks. In the fixed-line category, we have FTTH and CATV. The KDDI Group's customer base includes approximately 53 million mobile subscriptions [1] and around 8.5 million fixed-line broadband subscriptions [2]. We are leveraging this situation by promoting the "3M Strategy [3]."
Principal Businesses of the KDDI Group
As of March 31, 2015, au mobile subscriptions numbered 43.48 million, up 7.3% year on year and accounting for a 29.4% share of the mobile market, which has three major carriers.
Of this figure, in the Personal Services segment, which accounts for more than 70% of KDDI's consolidated operating revenues, smartphone penetration had risen to 54% (50% if limited to LTE).
UQ Communications Inc., an equity-method affiliate that provides WiMAX service and "WiMAX 2+" (compatible with TD-LTE) service using 50MHz bandwidth of frequency in the 2.6GHz band, reinforced its lineup of devices compatible with "WiMAX 2+", boosting its subscriptions significantly. As a result, as of March 31, 2015, its subscriptions totaled 9.54 million, a 137.8% year-on-year increase.
Fixed-Line Broadband
As of March 31, 2015, FTTH subscriptions stood at 3.49 million, up 7.7% year on year and accounting for a market share of 12.5%.
In CATV, the industry's largest company and a consolidated subsidiary, J:COM, merged with the second-largest, JCN. Consequently, KDDI's market share led the industry. With the birth of the newly combined J:COM, household subscriptions numbered 5.05 million for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, giving KDDI a market share in multichannel services exceeding 50%.
By cross-selling FTTH and CATV services to the au customer base, we expect our customer base to continue growing.
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