KDDI's Value Creation Cycle

The four sources of KDDI's value are its "customer base," "touchpoints," "innovativeness," and "brand strength" that have been built over the years since its establishment.
We will further refine and enhance these sources of value and optimally allocate the Company's management resources to maximize KDDI's corporate value. In doing so, we aim to achieve our medium-term targets set for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019.

Towards achievement of the medium-term targets (FY2017.3 - FY2019.3)

Continuous Growth Aim for an average annual operating income growth rate of 7% Gross Merchandise Value of the "au Economic Zone" of above ¥2 trillion

Enhance Shareholder Return Dividend payout ratio of above 35% Repurchase of own shares and cancellation of treasury stock

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