Corporate Information
Investor Relations
IR Documents
Integrated Report
Selected Pages of Integrated Report (2017)
KDDI Group Mission Statement/Editorial Policy
KDDI Group Mission Statement/Editorial Policy
KDDI Group Mission Statement
The KDDI Group values and cares about the material and emotional well-being of all its employees, and delivers a thrilling customer experience by always going further than expected with the ultimate goal of achieving a truly connected society.
Practicing the KDDI Group Philosophy to achieve sustainable growth and increased corporate value
As a telecommunications operator that provides social infrastructure, KDDI has the important social mission of providing stable communications services on an ongoing basis, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, regardless of conditions. Furthermore, as a telecommunications operator, our business derives from utilizing radio waves―an important asset shared by all citizens. Accordingly, we recognize that we have the social responsibility to address the issues society faces and seek to resolve them through telecommunications.
Attaining sustainable growth and increased corporate value over the medium to long term is essential for achieving this social mission and social responsibility. Furthermore, we strive to engage in dialogue with all our stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, business partners, employees, and local communities and work in cooperation to proactively address societal issues. In this manner, we want to contribute to the development of a safe, secure, and truly connected society. In addition to our corporate credo and mission statement, we have formulated the "KDDI Group Philosophy," which defines perspectives, values, and code of conduct that officers and employees should share. We conduct activities to promote awareness of this philosophy throughout KDDI Group.
By proactively practicing the KDDI Group Philosophy as a basis of corporate management, KDDI aims to achieve sustainable growth and increased corporate value over the medium to long term.
Editorial Policy: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Information
This report is based on multiple guidelines and frameworks, including the principles outlined by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), providing basic information, financial data, management strategy descriptions, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data considered particularly necessary for investors. Additional "corporate social responsibility (CSR)" and "research & development (R&D)" information that is not contained in this report can be found on KDDI's website, including Integrated Report 2017 (Detailed ESG Version), which contains expanded information about non-financial information from both environmental and social aspects.
KDDI has applied International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016. For this report, unless otherwise stated, figures up to the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, are based on Japanese GAAP and figures for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, onward are based on IFRS.
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