KDDI Announces Global Integration of Data Centers Under the Brand Name 'Telehouse'

KDDI Corporation

October 14, 2008

The KDDI Group is pleased to announce that it will integrate its extensive network of data centers located both in Japan and overseas under the 'Telehouse' brand name starting from October 2008.

The KDDI Group launched its data center business in the U.S. and Europe in 1989 under the 'Telehouse' brand name, which has been praised for its quality and reliability and it is widely known both in the U.S. and Europe.

In recent years, the concept of data centric, which refers to the centralization of information assets in a single location, has spread as a result of the importance of improving both the management and protection of a company's information assets, and there is a growing demand for data centers to handle information assets, which are entrusted to them by companies that choose not to manage the assets themselves. At this time, the KDDI Group is integrating its data center brand and they will provide seamless, high-quality data center services not only in Japan but also overseas.

The 'Telehouse' provides the following:

(1) Global one-stop service

(2) Global uniform operating standards

(3) Global quality control of facilities

(4) Global managed services

In addition to promoting ICT solution services throughout the world that make it possible to fully outsource the (management of a company's) ICT environment, from networks and ICT equipment to advanced operation and maintenance, the KDDI Group is contributing to the rapid business expansion from its customers.

These efforts will be discussed at the 'ITpro EXPO 2008 Autumn' to be held at the Tokyo Big Site between October 15 and 17.

Refer to the attached material.

  • * The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication.
    Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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